-Maria Montessori
The past few weeks, the science shelves have been stocked with lessons focusing on mollusks. The children have busied themselves with using puzzles to learn the parts of a snail/gastropod,
raising a dozen small freshwater pond snails (which began as a cluster of gelatinous eggs attached to the leaves of an elodea plant).
and looking at some mounted specimens of mollusks.
Over the past few weeks, children have been bringing shells (conchs, abalone, limpets, etc) to me and asking questions about the invertebrates that lived in them; I kept responding that the animals were very similar to a snail (having a muscular foot, tentacles, a radula, and eye stalks). Unfortunately, I knew that the answer was a little unfulfilling, given that we seem to have reared the most inactive pond snails I have ever seen (they seldom came out of their shells at all, even with the enticement of food).
So, over Labor Day weekend, we set up a small saltwater aquarium in the classroom. My obliging husband built a small platform for the tank so that it would be the perfect height for the children (so they could easily see the entire tank and so they could sit on their knees for extended viewing). So far, it is stocked with a large Turbo Snail, four Turban Snails, and a Spider Conch. It also contain a few non-mollusk companions (a Mandarin fish, a Midas Blenny fish, a Chocolate Chip Starfish, a Red Tipped Hermit Crab, and a Striped Cleaner Shrimp). After the aquarium has become established, we hope to add a few more interesting creatures for the children to observe.
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